DESIGN FEATURES :The all-Fiberglass Reinforced Polyester casing is circular shaped thus eliminating special positioning requirements and is not affected by prevailing wind directions. It further permits quick and easy installation due to light-weight and compactness. Site assembly is simplified by the modular desigh of components.
Casing Liang Chi Model LBC-T of Fiberglass Reinforced Polyester cooling towers have been designed for durability
Fan Drive Model LBC-T 200 downwards have direct driven fans.
Model LBC-T 225 upwards feature a unique belt drive to avoid excessive noise.
Fan Drive Aero – dynamically designed propeller fans at low speed are used to save on power consumption and to assure quiet operation.
Model LBC-T-3 to 30 feature special plastic fans.
Model LBC-T-40 upwards feature aluminum alloy fans.
Water Distribution A highly efficient rotating sprinkler head system in reinforced plastic is used of the smaller range of towers Model LBC-T-3 to 60
From Model LBC-T-70 upwards, the aluminium alloy sprinkler system is incorporated. Both sprinkler system are self-rotating at
low head loss.
Eliminators Eliminators are of special F.R.P. design to reduce carryover to the barest minimum. (for LBC-T-30 & upwards) Filling The filling is
made of P.V.C. sheet laid in a ring form to enable easy replacement, having a high heat transfer efficiency. It is suitable for operation with
inlet water temperature up to 55 C. or 130F.
Inlet Louver P.V.C. plastic mesh to prevent objects entering the water basin.
Ladder Accessibility for maintenance to operating fan unit etc. (for LBC-T-40 & upwards)
Installation data

Dimension Table

Soung Presure & Instraction